With Easter fast approaching and many of us with kids at home for their Spring Break, we thought we would round up a few of the essential ingredients for a happy Easter. Whether you celebrate this time as part of your religion, or just enjoy welcoming new birth, growth and Springtime, here’s a few ideas to make and do over the Easter period.

1.Egg hunt
Typical French tradition Egg hunt! I didn’t experience it when I was a kid but first time I heard about it was on my French lessons at school. After so many years pass by now here in Ireland Easter isn’t Easter without an egg hunt. Gather some little friends (or big ones!) and give each a basket (we love this classy seagrass and silver rope one), then send them off into the garden or around a park in search of hidden chocolate eggs. If you want to make it harder, leave a trail of clues instead of eggs, and lead the hunters to a bounty of eggs once they’ve solved all of them.

2.Make some hot cross buns
Ok, so you can buy these as cheap as chips from the baker or supermarket, but if you fancy a baking challenge and want to try something really delicious, try making your own. They really are so much tastier. This recipe is easy to follow and will keep small people happy on a rainy holiday day. Imagine the sweet doughy smells wafting through the house. Serve warm on a large, rustic plate with some gorgeous linen napkins, light a candle and turn it into a special teatime treat.

3.Dip-dye some eggs
For a rather more classy craft, how about dip-dying some eggs? Duck eggs are brilliant as they are nice and big, but any eggs will do. Hard boil them for around 5 minutes, then let them cool right down in the pan. Once cool, lift them carefully onto some kitchen paper. Mix 1tsp vinegar with around 20 drops of food colouring of your choice and enough warm water to submerge the eggs. Set up a few bowls with different colours. You can also use onion skins in the water as you boil them to create a deep red base colouring. Using tongs, dip the eggs into the liquid – you can vary the intensity of the colours by leaving them in for different lengths of time (the longer the deeper the colour). Place them in an egg cup to dry.

4. Wear some nice comfortable linen
Finally the spring is coming and we can start wearing linen again. Even in some days is still little bit cold but you can wear tights underneath. I personally love to wear linen pants with tights underneath, some nice chunky warm sweater and hat to match! Voila! Ready to go or stay lazy at home.
